Calculation Type – Like for Like

It is possible to use the Replenishment system to suggest what to replenish based on what is sold at the store. If one piece is sold then one piece is replenished or ordered. The Replenishment data is stored in the Item, Item Store, or Data Profile Record.

Common fields for all Calculation Types

Common Replenishment data fields that are described in Common Replenishment Data Fields:

Fields for the Like for Like calculation type

Field Description
Like for Like Replen. Method This field shows the value that is going to be filled in the Replen. Method field in the Replen. Planned Stock Demand when the Statement is posted and the Replen. Calculation Type of the Item is Like for Like.

Available values:

  • [empty] – Not Selected.
  • Transfer  - Transfer Order will be created.
  • PO to Store – Purchase Order will be created and delivered to the store.
  • PO w/XDock – Purchase Order will be created and cross docked at time of receiving at warehouse.
Like for Like Process Method This field shows the value that is going to be filled in the field Process Method in the Replen. Planned Stock Demand when the Statement is posted and the Replen. Calculation Type of the Item is Like for Like.

Available values:

  • [empty] – Not Selected.
  • Replen. Job – The record will be processed in a Replen. Journal Batch job.
  • Manual –The record is to be processed in the Planned Stock Demand Form, where you can create a Purchase Order or Transfer Order Documents.

The calculation process for the Like for Like method is described in Planned Stock Demand.

See Also

Calculation Type – Average Usage

Calculation Type – Manual Estimate

Calculation Type – Stock Levels

Calculation Type – LS Forecast